-We had divisions this week and I went to Hermana Muir's sector, San Carlos, and it was TIGHT because I got to teach a lesson in ENGLISH. It was insane. It was actually semi-difficult. I felt so... formal, I guess you could say?! I was like, "so........... brother". It was just weird. We taught a Nigerian named Brown (hilarious) and we taught Word of Wisdom, and he brought out all his teas and whatnot and when he found out that black tea was against it, he takes the box and crushes it whilst saying, "I trash it". And got up to throw it in the trash. It was pretty sweet. Something I reaaaally love doing outchea on the mish is testifying about the blessings of the Word Of Wisdom in my life. Experiences that have helped my testimony grow and hopefully help others.
-SPEAKING OF WORD OF WISDOM, my companion and I are dumb little sheep because someone we have been teaching offered us chicha, one of the native drinks here in Ecuador. WELL, it was literally a drink because after the first sip we figured out it was fermented, aka alcohol. So that was awkward. Picture us spewing it all over the street and then pouring it down the drain. Yeah, oops.
-WE CONTACTED AN ENTIRE BUSSSSSSS, talk about a high. It was incredible. And so many people were receptive. It was pretty cool. We did it on a dare because Alonso needs a white shirt and tie, and since Elder Santos and Elder Acevedo are "dying" (finishing their missions) in 2 weeks, they said they'd give them to us if we contacted the bus, thinking we wouldn´t.... Ha. It was sweet. I love being a missionary.
-Our little Family Home Evening on Wednesday nights has grown into a thing. We had 40 in attendance. It was real fun. My companion and I taught HOLA (HELLO) with an enfoque (focus) on the L.
Hay que (we need to...)
Orar (pray)
Leer (read)
Asistir (go to church)
Aaaand then we played some fun games. Woo!
-Totally got kicked out of a house yesterday. Check that off the bucket list for the third time. At least she didn't follow after us with boiling water like the last time!
-We went out with some real awesome members this week. Members rock. I love members. Go out with the missionaries in your ward. And give them brownies too. They will LOVE YOU.
-A random gave me and my companion roses this week. I could get used to this whole flower thing. Hahah. But then we contacted him and actually have a cita (appointment) for tomorrow. For the record, we always keep a professional distance with the people we interact with, please don´t think badly.
-ALEMANIA GANO (GERMANY WON), I totally called it. In our group chat of the MTC missionaries, I called it. I called it. For the record, I called it. :)
-President gave us the challenge to talk to E.V.E.R.Y. family we see, since our mission is tryna focus more on FAMILIES. So we have done it. And oh maaaan, the results are incredible.
-So I really hoped and prayed that I wouldn´t be weird when I got back from the mission, but today two other hermanas (sisters) and I were talking about how we are literally like SOOO out of it here. It´s like being in the world and not of the world. I heard Tyga [a popular rapper] and almost fainted - hahahhaha. But yeah, tenganme paciencia (have patience with me) when I get home. Even though that's approximately 10 months away... So, no worries.
-Like 90% of the time that it's time to give the First Vision in lección uno (Lesson One), the street gets quiet, or the sun comes out at that precise moment, or it just feels like we are in a bubble. I love reciting the First Vision. 'Tis my fave. The Spirit is SO present in this work. I mean, we cannot teach without it, so it needs to be there. But daily, it is continually confirmed that this is TRULY God´s work, He guides it from nearby. It is all in His timing. We just need to always trust in Him, His timing, and His purposes - for our lives. He knows us better than we even know ourselves! It's awesome! And how incredible to have Someone who has already been through exaaaclty what we go through, someone who UNDERSTANDS us, someone who is always always always by our side, without fail. Our Big Brother, Christ. Let us lean on Him, let Him take charge of our lives and just look for the little things. I promise that as yall look for the tender mercies that our Heavenly Father is continually placing in our lives, y'all will have more gratitude, more happiness, and even more blessings! Put it to the test :)
-I just love sharing anything about the gospel. It totally applies to anyone. I just love being able to help people remember that they truly chose to come here, and that they choooooseeeee the plan of our Savior. All they hafta do is remember a bit. It´s crazy because so many people have told us that this message is so familiar. It´s because it is waking up something deep inside their soul. We all have the potential to achieve eternal life. The Atonement applies to each and every one of us, doesn´t matter your monetary state, your gender, your nationality, YOUR PAST, it simply doesn´t matter. Just let it in. Let your heart heal and feel the infinite love of your Father in Heaven and your Big Brother, Jesus Christ. It is a truly incredible change and shift you will experience, and I can personally testify of this, because I have lived it. And I have seen people apply it to their lives. This Gospel is perfect.
Con amor (with love),
Hermana (Sister) Bowman
PS Oh yeah, and there was no one in sacrament meeting yesterday (July 13th) because the (soccer) game was right at 2 pm, when church starts. And the guy speaking even told us the score from the pulpit, which was hilarious. Ohhh, Latin America.
then feed my sheep."
We´re goin´after the one. All day.
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